Ginger-Studio FAQ

Ginger-Studio FAQ

Can we use unlogged ?

No, logging in is mandatory, with your email address or Google account credentials.

Comment créer un nouveau projet ?

You can create a new project either from the home page or by clicking on “+” in the navigation bar.

How to download a video file ?

Move in “Media” and click on “Upload”.

How to use the timeline ?

First, add a média by clicking the button “+”.

Once your video is added to the project, you can add an image.

It is possible to choose when the image will appear on the video. To do this, click on the padlock on the lower right, and reduce or increase the size with the yellow edges on each side.

How to add a sound track ?

Move on to “Audio" then click on the “+” button.

How to add text in a video timeline ?

Simply click on the “Text” button !

How to change the language ?

Change the language by clicking on the top right button.

How to delete a media ?

In the “media” section, go hover over a video: at the top right 2 buttons will be displayed. Click on the red cross to delete it.

How to rename a media ?

Ssimilar operation to the video deletion : simply click on the yellow pencil to rename the media.

how to cut a video ?

Click on the yellow cisors..

Cut the video using the yellow arrows besides.

How to insert transitions ?

You can add transitions using the input and output effects.

Comment exporter un projet ?

Go to the “Export” section and click on “Export”.

What is the video format when downloaded ?

The videos are downloaded in the “mp4” format.

How to add subtitles ?

Press the “Subtitles” button to generate them :

How to translate subtitles ?

Please change the language as desired :

How to logout ?

Click on the profile icon at the top right, then click on “Logout”.